The Breakfast Rose concept started as an idea of boredom and fun, and now it is put out there for everyone to see.
The site consists of 8 pages, including a full menu (thank you to everyone who gave me item ideas) and a "product" page. I do not own the rights to the photos used on the site, but I did create the color palette, logo, and graphics in the footer. This process was different but fun, especially since I was making it from scratch.

Website created for Spill The Beans Clemson
In the Spring of 2021, I was tasked with finding a client to design a website. I chose Andee's Spill the Beans as my client because she needed a website. When I first reached out, she said she didn't want it to go live because she didn't understand the use of it. I told her that that was fine and I would still build it as if it were. I was determined to put my all into the site to prove I could. Over 3-4 months, I built and designed the website to give potential customers as must information as possible so that it would convince them to go into the store. I wanted to embody the store's atmosphere, so I made the site to feel comfortable, fun, and straightforward.
While making regular progress updates throughout the spring, Andee ended up changing her mind, and we made the site live in the Summer of 2021;
I am incredibly grateful to Andee for allowing me to design the website with no previous experience.